Download Eternal Lands Map Viewer for free. This program displays Eternal Lands maps and user game data and allows the user to navigate the maps using map links. Eternal Lands is a FREE MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). Download The Report Viewer for Windows to open, view, refresh, share, export, and e-mail Crystal Reports files.
![Player Report Viewer Roblox Download Player Report Viewer Roblox Download](
- TextProperties = {'ClassName', 'Name', 'Value', 'Text', 'Reflectance', 'Transparency', 'Heat', 'TeamName', 'WalkSpeed', 'Health', 'MaxHealth', 'Size', 'Position', 'AccountAge', 'RobloxLocked', 'TeamColor', 'userId', 'Brightness', 'Ambient', 'TimeOfDay', 'FieldOfView', 'CameraType', 'LinkedSource'}
- BoolProperties = {'Anchored', 'CanCollide', 'Disabled', 'Jump', 'Sit', 'Visible', 'Enabled', 'Locked', 'FilteringEnabled', 'StreamingEnabled', 'GlobalShadows'}
- BrickColorProperties = {'BrickColor', 'Color', 'TeamColor', 'Texture', 'Value'}
- s ='ScreenGui', game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)
- pgr.Parent = s
- pgr.Position =,30,0,440)
- pgr.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3
- pgr.BackgroundColor ='Really Black')
- pgr.Font = 'ArialBold'
- pgr.TextStrokeColor3 =,0/0,0/0)
- pgr.BorderSizePixel = 1
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:findFirstChild('Explorer') then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:findFirstChild('Explorer'):Remove()
- local Deleted
- local Player
- local ScriptSearch
- local Cloned = nil
- local DeleteParent = nil
- local CurrentOption = 0
- function Clear()
- Gui:Remove()
- Current = 0
- end
- function AddButton(N, Function, Color, Copy)
- error('RenderButton - No Name Specified')
- if not Function then
- end
- Color =, 1, 1)
- if Copy nil then
- end
- if Copy then
- else
- end
- P.Name = N.Name
- P.BackgroundColor3 = Color
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, ((math.modf(Current/30))*150)+300, 0, 50+(20*((Current%30)-1)))
- Function(P)
- D ='TextButton')
- D.Text = 'X'
- D.Parent = Gui
- D.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- D.Position =, ((math.modf(Current/30))*150)+300+130, 0, 50+(20*((Current%30)-1)))
- Deleted = N
- N.Parent = nil
- Search(DeleteParent)
- if Copy then
- C.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- C.Name = N.Name
- C.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0.5)
- C.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- C.Position =, ((math.modf(Current/30))*150)+300+110, 0, 50+(20*((Current%30)-1)))
- Cloned = N
- Search(N.Parent)
- end
- return P
- if not N then
- end
- Color =, 1, 1)
- if Text nil then
- end
- P ='TextBox')
- P ='TextButton')
- P.Text = N
- P.Parent = Gui
- P.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- P.Size =, 150, 0, 20)
- P.Position =, ((math.modf(CurrentOption/30))*150)+150, 0, 50+(20*((CurrentOption%30)-1)))
- P.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Function(P) end)
- CurrentOption = CurrentOption + 1
- end
- function AddTextOption(Obj, Prop)
- local Pro = Prop
- if type(Ob[Pro]) 'number' or type(Ob[Pro]) 'string' then
- local T = AddOption(Ob[Pro], nil,, 0.4, 0.1), true)
- local O = AddOption('Change '..Pro..':', function() Ob[Pro] = T.Text end,, 0.8, 0.1), false)
- end
- local Ob = Obj
- if[Pro])) Ob[Pro] then
- local T = AddOption(tostring(Ob[Pro]), nil,, 0.4, 0.1), true)
- local O = AddOption('Change '..Pro..':', function() Ob[Pro] = end,, 0.8, 0.1), false)
- end
- local Ob = Obj
- if type(Ob[Pro]) 'boolean' then
- local O = AddOption(Pro..': '..tostring(Ob[Pro]), nil,, 0.8, 0.1), false)
- if Ob[Pro] then
- O.Text = Pro..': false'
- Ob[Pro] = true
- end
- end
- Success = pcall(function()
- return
- end)
- end
- function LoadOptions(Object)
- if TestProperty(Object, Prop) then
- end
- for Num, Prop in pairs(BoolProperties) do
- AddBoolOption(Object, Prop)
- end
- if TestProperty(Object, Prop) then
- end
- end
- function Search(Object)
- Gui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
- if Object ~= game then
- Clear();
- end,, 1, 1), false)
- AddOption('Reload', function() Clear(); Search(Object); end,, 1, 0.2), false)
- AddOption('Paste', function() Cloned:Clone().Parent = Object; Clear(); Search(Object); end,, 1, 1), false)
- if Deleted then
- AddOption('Undo', function() Deleted.Parent = DeleteParent; Deleted = nil; DeletedParent = nil; Clear(); Search(Object); end,, 0.6, 0.1), false)
- if Object:IsA('Player') then
- AddOption('Goto Character', function() Clear(); if Object.Character then Search(Object.Character); end end,, 1, 1), false)
- if Object:IsA('LocalScript') then
- AddOption('EditScript', function() Clear(); ScriptSearch(Object); end,, 1, 1), false)
- if Object:IsA('Terrain') then
- AddOption('Clear', function() Object:Clear(); end,, 1, 1), false)
- LoadOptions(Object)
- AddOption('Close', Clear,, 0.2, 0), false)
- if not Object:IsA('Workspace') or not Object:IsA('Player') then
- --if not Obj:IsA('BasePart') or not Object.Parent game.Workspace then
- if Obj:IsA('LocalScript') then
- AddButton(Obj, function() Clear(); Search(Obj); end,, 0, 0), true)
- elseif Obj:IsA('Script') or Obj:IsA('StarterScript') or Obj:IsA('CoreScript') then
- AddButton(Obj, function() Clear(); Search(Obj); end,, 0.5, 0.8), true)
- AddButton(Obj, function() Clear(); Search(Obj); end,, 1, 1), false)
- AddButton(Obj, function() Clear(); Search(Obj); end,, 1, 1), true)
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Place:GetChildren()) do
- v.Position = v.Position +,0,0,-Amount)
- end
- function MoveDown(Place, Amount)
- if v:IsA('TextLabel') or v:IsA('TextBox') then
- end
- end
- function ScriptSearch(S)
- Script = Script2.Source
- Enabled = true
- Gui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
- while Enabled do
- print(Start, End)
- table.insert(Table, string.sub(Script, 1, End))
- New = string.sub(Script, End+1, string.len(Script))
- else
- table.insert(Table, string.sub(Script, 1, End))
- end
- P ='TextLabel')
- P.Text = Script2.Name
- P.Parent = Gui
- P.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- P.Position =, -250, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- i=i+1
- for I,Val in pairs(Table) do
- P ='TextBox')
- P.Size =, 500, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Script Line'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -250, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- table.insert(New, P)
- end
- P ='TextButton')
- P.Text = '^'
- P.Parent = Gui
- P.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- MoveUp(Gui, -20)
- i=i+1
- P.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Scroll'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- MoveDown(Gui, -20)
- i=i+1
- P.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Scroll'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- MoveUp(Gui, -200)
- i=i+1
- P.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Scroll'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- MoveDown(Gui, -200)
- i=i+1
- P.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Save'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- StringS = '
- StringS = StringS..Obj.Text..'n'
- S.Source = StringS
- S.Disabled = false
- i=i+1
- P.Size =, 20, 0, 20)
- P.Name = 'Back'
- P.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.2, 0)
- P.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- P.Position =, -270, 0, 150+(20*(i-1)))
- Clear()
- Search(S)
- i=i+1
- end
- pgr.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- Search(game)
Player Report Viewer Roblox Download Windows 7
Player Report Viewer Roblox Download Version
Player Report Viewer Roblox Download Windows 10
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.
You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Version 2.16.3
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.16.3 (Nov 19th)
• Fixed roblox badges on profiles
• Fixed copy asset id in library
• Added number formatting to group member count on profilesSource code released under
Version 2.16.2
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.16.2 (Nov 18th)
• Fixed profile statistics once again
• Fixed head texture preloadingSource code released under
Version 2.16.1
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.16.1 (Nov 16th)
• Sales numbers no longer show up if you do not have access to them (it is no longer possible to get sales figures for items you do not own, blame Roblox)
• Fixed recommended games showing in the wrong place on the game details page
• Fixed player statistics not showing up on the profile page
• Fixed some version 4.00 meshes not working when previewedSource code released under
Version 2.16.0
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.16.0 (Oct 8th)
• Script source viewer has been redone
• Fixed newer meshes not being previewable
• Fixed sales on item pages (for now)
• Item owners list will now be hidden unless you can actually view it
• Removed nav editor button as it no longer works
• Added a few options to toggle some navigation buttons
• Hover previewer now properly previews bundles
• BugfixesSource code released under
Version 2.15.3
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.15.3 (July 31st)
• Switched an old api to a newer oneSource code released under
Version 2.15.2
Works with firefox 68.0 and later, android 68.0 and laterVersion 2.15.2 (July 21st)
• Added a stopgap fix for broken header/navigation changes. Sadly 'Modify navigation buttons' still doesn't work and will most likely be removed in a future update.
• Lowered minimum version to 68 so mobile users can install the extension.Source code released under
Version 2.15.1
Works with firefox 72.0 and later, android 72.0 and laterVersion 2.15.1 (July 20th)
• Fixed issue where going to a player profile redirected to their inventory if embedInventory setting was enabled.Source code released under
Version 2.15.0
Works with firefox 72.0 and later, android 72.0 and laterVersion 2.15.0 (July 19th)
• Renamed RobuxToUSD to RobuxToCash, added 10 more currency options. Who knew Roblox supported so many? I sure didn't
• Removed the missing permissions banner, as it didn't seem to help people too much.
• Re-added manual 'legacy theme compat mode' that was made automatic in the last patch. Apparently people liked that.
• Made updated label show 'Just now' instead of showing 'updated -X seconds ago'
• Made extension not hide ads by default
• Fixed source viewer freezing with certain scripts (yay for infinite loops)
• Fixed bugsSource code released under
Version 2.14.3
Works with firefox 48.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterSource code released under
Version 2.14.2
Works with firefox 48.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterSource code released under
Version 2.14.1
Works with firefox 48.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterSource code released under
Version 2.14.0
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.14.0 (May 4th)
• Added created label to item details page, made updated label show exact timeSource code released under
Version 2.13.5
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.13.5 (May 1st)
• Enabled hover previews for animations and emotes
• More bug fixesSource code released under
Version 2.13.4
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterSource code released under
Version 2.13.2
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.13.2 (Mar 23rd)
• Torso is now shown better when previewing pants
• Fixed context menu items not working after a browser restart
• Bug fixesSource code released under
Version 2.13.1
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.13.1 (Feb 20th)
• Added new source viewer with basic syntax highlighting to the model explorer. Double click a script in the explorer or press the '...' button after long string properties in the properties panel to check it out!
• Fixed groups not loading on the profile page.
• Fixed 'Copy Group Id' context menu item not always appearing.
• Removed notification sound from group shout notifications, as it was causing issues when notifications were disabled or broken.
• Added a red notification bar that appears when some of the extension's required permissions are disabled and some features do not work.
• Re-added backgrounds to badges, favorites and group panels on the profile page.Source code released under
Version 2.12.5
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.12.5 (Jan 28th)
• Updated fast search to use newer endpointsSource code released under
Version 2.12.4
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.12.4 (Jan 28th)
• Fixed shout filters tab
• Improved naveditor button draggingSource code released under
Version 2.12.3
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.12.3 (Jan 19th)
• Fixed group shout notificationsSource code released under
Version 2.12.2
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.12.2 (Jan 17th)
• Fixed shirts not being drawn properly in previewerSource code released under
Version 2.12.1
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.12.1 (Jan 15th)
• Navigation Editor V2
• Settings popup now stays open if page is refreshed or changed
• Pressing the extension icon now opens BTR Settings
• BugfixesSource code released under
Version 2.11.9
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.11.9 (Oct 30th)
• Fixed broken BTR SettingsSource code released under
Version 2.11.8
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.11.8 (Oct 29th)
• Fixed profile friends list
• Fixed robux to USD on My Transactions page
• Updated robux to USD ratesSource code released under
Version 2.11.7
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.11.7 (Oct 11th)
• Marked custom themes as legacy, as they were made before Roblox had light/dark themes and don't properly work with them. Not sure if custom themes will be supported for much longer
• Added a 'legacy theme compatibility mode' that force-disables light/dark themes
• Fixed some bugsSource code released under
Version 2.11.6
Works with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 and laterVersion 2.11.6 (Sep 10th)
• Added emote previewing
• Fixed some bugsSource code released under